Weight Loss Crystals – Natural Healthy Weight Loss


A few generations back weight loss crystals weren’t even thought about. In fact, weight and weight loss weren’t even spoken about much, let alone weight loss crystals. People were much more active, just in order to get through their day, which helped to keep their weight down. Many walked to and from work, or at least to their nearest public transport. 

Fast food and processed food hadn’t yet arrived and the word ‘diet’ hadn’t yet taken on its modern meaning. Diet, if it was spoken about, referred to food choices for variety and nutrition and not as it is now—watching what you eat to lose weight.  

Today, things have changed. Not surprisingly, one of the most common things we are asked about revolves around diet and weight loss. In particular about weight loss crystals; what they are and if they really work or not.

Firstly, let’s acknowledge that while some have success with crystals alone, your success is like any other weight loss remedy: It will depend upon your attitude and the way you see yourself, as well as watching what you eat and getting proper exercise.

Like any weight-loss method, there is no magic formula to weight loss. Weight loss crystals are simply aids to support and assist you in the process. Your intention, commitment, and discipline will also be required to ensure your success with the use of crystal healing.

Weight loss should also be healthy and supportive.

Ideally, your weight loss efforts should also help to create a healthier way to live and help you to become more energized and full of vitality. They should help you lose weight effectively, as well as address the underlying causes of your weight gain, and then help to keep the weight off. Weight loss crystals are effective tools for supporting natural healthy weight loss. They can help to relieve cravings, stimulate metabolism, and increase your energy.

The best weight loss crystals are those with high-vibrational energy, attuned to intention, motivation, positivity and breaking negative cycles, and conveying emotional stability.

Weight Loss Kit

A Weight Loss Kit is a quick and easy way to get hold of five crystals known to support and encourage your weight loss. It contains: Hematite, Apatite, Carnelian, Onyx and Sodalite.

Hematitehelps conquer overeating and indulgence.

It also absorbs negative energy and is calming in times of stress or worry. It provides protective energy and it will help you to stay grounded in many situations. Hematite assists with balance and equilibrium and when you’re having difficulty focusing energies. It is also a great detoxifier.

Apatitesuppresses hunger, increases the metabolic rate.

It encourages healthy eating and acts as an appetite suppressant. Apatite facilitates change by helping you to accept yourself as you are—seeing your authentic self and revealing your inner truth. It will help you resolve emotional issues, uplift your spirits and stimulate an increase in self-confidence. Helps you get control over cravings and emotional eating.

Carnelianincreases physical energy, brings focus, stimulates the metabolism.

It stimulates the lymphatic system and helps detoxify your body and improves overall health. It suppresses your appetite to curb overeating. Carnelian energetically provides enthusiasm, excitement, courage, and direction. It also helps you maintain a positive attitude and the necessary willpower for success.

Onyxstone of self-control.

It can keep you focused on a weight loss plan or any other attempt to improve your health. Helps you to stay with the program and initiates the sense of achievement that comes with reaching your goals. It will soothe your worries, ease your tensions, and eliminate your fears. Onyx will boost your energy levels instead of dissipating them.

Sodalitehelps balance the metabolism.

It improves your cellular function, helps to regulate water retention, improves metabolism, and assists the digestive system. Helps you assess your strengths and weaknesses. Eliminates fear and guilt. It also helps to free you from old behaviour patterns that no longer serve you. Sodalite provides a pathway to a healthier body, mind, and spirit.


As for how to use them there are several ways. Here are just a few:

  • Carry them around with you.
  • Put them under your pillow at night.
  • Meditate with them.
  • Create a crystal grid using these stones.
  • Create a gem elixir, but be sure not to place the crystals directly into the water.

Some final words:  1) The key point to keep in mind is that weight loss begins with your mind. 2) Furthermore you need to shed your mental picture of yourself as a ‘fat person’. 3) Also stop using inappropriate words to describe yourself – speak yourself up – use words that go with how you want to appear. 4) Make better/healthier food choices.


 You may purchase your weight loss kit at mycrystalaura.com.au/crystal-kits





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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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