Saying Thank You

Imagine, you have just done a favour for someone. And you also made it clear you didn’t want anything tangible in return. So the person takes you at your word and doesn’t do anything, zilch, nada, nothing at all; not even a ‘thankyou’. You really did mean to convey that you weren’t expecting a reward. However, you still would have appreciated and expected at least an acknowledgement, or a word of thanks. I guess you could say you are not really impressed! Just saying thank you to you would have meant so much.

This little experience has ended on a sour note when it should have been smiles all around. Please make sure you are never the cause of this yourself, and ensure you always express your gratitude.

This reminds me of that ad on TV for “Family Favourites” chocolates; You know, “the thing you bring when you’re asked not to bring a thing”.  You know it’s the right thing to bring an unexpected something; especially when you don’t want to feel awkward and out of place.

Don’t ever let yourself get into this position, of being the “ungrateful so and so”. Make sure you always acknowledge people and the things they do for you. More often than not simply saying “Thank You” will do it. And you can imagine the difference it would have made in our scenario above.

Like the TV ad, the “perfect thing” when it’s not expected is a printed card with a few well-chosen words written within, just like the ones you can send with SendOutCards. And if it was a big favour, or you want to impress your gratitude, add a gift, like some of the most delicious brownies you have ever tasted.



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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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