Rebounding and Crystals | A Mini Trampoline + Crystals = Health.




Rebounding and crystals have been a way of life with me for so long, it seems like forever. I guess that’s why I was surprised when I learned about the latest craze in exercise – rebounding. Jumping up and down on a mini trampoline, also called a rebounder. It’s an excellent way to exercise and has loads of health benefits. Add some crystals and you have a supercharged way to stay fit and healthy. I have recommended rebounding to many clients over the years, and I guess I’m now recommending it to you.

I’ve never been big on gyms, but I regularly frequented one in the seventies in Toorak, Victoria, mainly to use the full-size trampolines. While everyone else was working out hard and pushing weights, I was having FUN. Then in the eighties, I got my first mini trampoline and started rebounding – for health, fitness, and fun. In the nineties, it became popular under the name of lymphasizing.

My real interest is in sharing how by introducing crystals into your workout, you can enhance the experience. But before we get to that, we should look at rebounding and what it offers in its own right.


What is Rebounding? 

Rebounding is a low-impact aerobic exercise you complete while bouncing or jumping on a mini-trampoline. Your jumping can be fast or slow and you can alternate it with rest, or walking, or stepping in place. Rebounding exercise is popular because it can provide a complete workout while being gentle on your joints. Furthermore, it allows you to work your cardiovascular system without taxing your body. This is because the way a trampoline is made, its springs or bungee cords absorb most of the impact force with every bounce. At the top and bottom of your bounce, you experience the negative and positive effects of gravity, providing a unique exercise experience. Also, with rebounding your oxygen uptake can increase because of the gravity changes that occur when bouncing.


Health Benefits of Rebounding.

Apart from being fun, a rebounding workout has many great health benefits:

  • It is especially good for your lymphatic system.
  • Strengthens your cells and improves cardiovascular development.
  • It can detoxify the cells within your body while also strengthening it.
  • You can burn more calories rebounding than by walking or jogging.
  • Also, it’s a great way to work through the full range of motion of the major muscle groups.
  • Plus, it’s a low-impact exercise that’s very easy on the joints.
  • Improving endurance.
  • Strengthens your bones.
  • It can deliver impressive aerobic exercise benefits as well.

My concern in this article is to let you know about the benefits in a simple way. There are numerous articles from scientific and health sites that can elaborate and prove the benefits.


rebounding and crystals
Which Rebounder and Which Exercise Routine?

Over the years I have tried out the cheap to the expensive. I have tried those with fancy names and claims and just your everyday basic mini trampoline. And here’s the thing, there really isn’t a great deal of difference when it comes to getting a workout. But, for obvious reasons and mainly because they don’t last too long, stay clear of cheap and shoddy. Plus you don’t want to risk an injury if something gives way. Conversely, I found no extra benefit with the top-of-the-range models. There are all sorts of arguments for springs being better than bungee cords and vice-versa. Plus opinions for different configurations, shapes, and mats. But what matters most is what appeals to you and what your budget allows. If you’re unsure of your balance, it would be wise to get one with a balance bar. These days Google makes comparisons relatively easy.

It’s the same sort of story with workouts. A visit to YouTube and the search term ‘rebounding’ will reveal a plethora of choices. It is just a matter of finding something that matches your level. If you happen to pick a workout routine that is a bit beyond you at the time, just fall back to a ‘health bounce’, until you’re ready to pick it up again. For that matter, health bouncing on its own will give you all the benefits, except maybe an aerobic exercise.


Health Bounce

The health bounce is easy. You simply stand in the middle of your rebounder trampoline and bounce up and down. A health bounce is not jumping, you lift with your heels. Your toes stay on the mat, and you kind of just bounce. For best results, keep your knees slightly bent, and hold your stomach in. You can just let your arms and hands swing loose, or place your hands on your hips.

Even with the health bounce, you get the benefit of gravity. At the top of the bounce you experience a negative gravity force, and at the bottom a positive gravitational force. With this constant resisting and defying gravity, your body is being rigorously oxygenated, detoxed, and nourished, and it is also generating bio-electricity. Furthermore, this is what causes you to feel so alive after you bounce.


Rebounding and Crystals – The Best Exercise Crystals.

One of the good things about crystals is that they can boost your energy and motivation. They can also lift your spirits if you are feeling low. They make perfect companions on your journey towards good health and wellness through rebounding. Or any other exercise for that matter!

Let’s take a look at 8 high-energy crystals to help you on your rebounding and crystals journey. Let’s check them out.

Rebounding and Crystals Bloodstone

Bloodstone can be quite beneficial during your rebounding workout as it stimulates energy and stamina. Furthermore, it provides you with confidence, motivation, and the courage to persist. Bloodstone stimulates your immune system, making it a perfect exercise partner. It encourages a flow of vitality that floods every corner of your being. It also supplies emotional strength and resilience.


Rebounding and Crystals
Black Onyx

Black Onyx helps with your athletic achievements and also assists in developing your mental and physical strength. Its protective energy helps to remove fear, it is also an excellent stimulator and motivator. If you find your self-discipline wavering on your rebounding and crystals journey, Black Onyx can help to rebuild your inner strength.

Rebounding and Crystals

Carnelian is ideal for adding more vitality, bounce, and motivation to your rebounding and crystals session. It is associated with motivation, courage, and physical energy. Moreover, it increases stamina, improves focus, and raises your confidence. Carnelian is an excellent exercise companion as it will help you power through your workout.

Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is quite a versatile aid if you need an extra boost of motivation while rebounding or exercising. It intensifies your energy, as well as helping to focus your mind. It assists recovery from your exertions, eases muscle pains, boosts your immune system, and stimulates your energy flow.

Red Jasper
Red Jasper

Red Jasper stimulates and symbolizes your energy source or Life Force, and is frequently called the Stone of Endurance. It conveys energy, strength, stamina, focus, and determination to your exercise session. Plus Red Jasper is an excellent aid for clearing your mind and keeping you focused on your exercise.


Red Tiger Eye
Red Tiger Eye

Red Tiger Eye is associated with vitality and motivation. It will help push you into action, and provide a burst of energy and vitality. Red Tigers Eye’s high vibrational energy encourages strength in mind and body. Also, it furnishes the focus, drive, determination, and strength to stay with it. It speeds up your recovery process too.



Sodalite is among the top crystals for exercise. It is a beneficial ally for beginners starting their fitness journey as it assists physical growth and development. Furthermore, it increases and helps you maintain your focus. Sodalite’s positive energy helps dispel all negative thoughts and interference.



Sunstone connects you with joy and happiness – two essentials for bringing out the best exercise experience. It boosts confidence, increases vitality, and supports activity. Furthermore, it is beneficial in starting and then supportive of maintaining a fitness program.



Bringing Rebounding and Crystals Together.

Now it’s time to bring rebounding and crystals together. So far we have briefly covered the benefits of rebounding and 8 key fitness crystals. Now let’s see how we can combine them for some powerful exercise fun.

I keep my rebounder in my office so I can jump on at almost any time I like. It’s easy, fun, and most importantly it keeps me fit. Just a few quick bounces as I cross the room can give me a lift. But more importantly, a ten-minute workout can save me a lot of time. Many reports state that 10 minutes on a rebounder is equivalent to a 30-minute walk. This frees my walking time for contemplation and enjoying nature instead of concentrating on exercise and fitness. And in my case, it is much easier than 30 minutes in the gym.

Years back I used to do a 19-minute full-on aerobic workout. I would put on my cassette tape (no age giveaway here, I hope) and away I would go. These days I am more likely to follow a Utube video. But, a lot of the time I just bounce and enjoy myself, sometimes accompanied by music and sometimes not.


Power Up Your Rebounding with Clear Quartz.

My go-to is a pair of Clear Quartz points, they are about 15cms long and about 5cms across the flats. It’s like hanging on to a pair of small lightweight barbells while I bounce. But the real benefit is an energy boost to enhance my rebounding experience. Plus the crystals share all of their other healing benefits while you’re bouncing. Your Quartz points don’t have to be that size. In fact, they should be what you are comfortable holding, or what you have at hand, and what you can afford. They don’t have to be points either, a pair of tumbled stones will be just as effective.

A Clear Quartz power grid under your rebounder can supercharge your workout. It can be a flattish cluster in the middle or any other Quartz crystal and a Clear Quartz point at each of the compass points. Or you could place one at each of the number points around a clock. Again tumbled stones may be used instead of points. Also, the size of the stones doesn’t really matter. There is a lot of argument about whether points should be facing in or facing out. Over the years, when it comes to this exercise, I have found little to no difference, so go with what suits you best.


Enhancing Your Rebounding and Crystals Experience with the Crystals Cited Above.

In my mind, and soon I hope in yours as well, I find the presence of crystals, especially Clear Quartz, supercharges my rebounding experience.

These are some of the ways you can use and get the benefits of crystals while rebounding.

  1. Hold on to one or more of them as you bounce.
  2. Put them in your pocket(s).
  3. Attach them to your clothing. Put tumbled stones into wire cages and pin them on.
  4. Wear crystal jewellery, as long as it doesn’t get in the road.
  5. Build a grid under your rebounder using one or more, or even all of the list above.
  6. Simply place one or more of your chosen crystals underneath your rebounder.
  7. Make a crystal elixir and drink some of it before your workout.
  8. Decorate the area with your favourite crystals.
  9. Follow your intuition. Some days I go for a crystal that has nothing to do with fitness, but I instinctively know its energies are what are needed that day.


Some Extra Considerations.

Add The Power of Magnetism.

Just like rebounding uses the power of gravity to help exercise our bodies, we can also introduce the power of magnetism for an added boost. We are all influenced by Earth’s magnetic field, so aligning with it, adds its positive effect to our benefit. Many people through the ages have used its power for healing and to improve their wellbeing. Yet others have found that doing this helps to soothe and smooth their energy field, making the whole experience even more enjoyable. Over the years I have noticed a subtle enhancement to my crystal grids when aligned with the earth’s magnetic field.

To take advantage of the extra impulse of the magnetic field, align your crystal grid with it. For example, when setting out a four-point grid, you would direct each of them to a compass point. Or for any other combination, make sure one is placed in or points north.


A Hidden Benefit From Your Rebounding Crystals. 

Apart from the benefits of your rebounding and crystals grid, there are many other benefits. By leaving it in place you can enjoy the positive and healing vibes of the crystals beyond your exercise session. Being under the rebounder keeps your crystals out of the way and unlikely to get disturbed. And while they’re sitting there, they’re energising and sending their healing vibes throughout your whole room.

From time to time you may find you need or want the benefits of a particular crystal(s). Let’s say, you feel the need for more love, well, there is no reason why you couldn’t place a Rose Quartz or any other love stone under your rebounder. It can be on its own, or added to your grid. This makes its energy available for all the time it sits there. And from my point of view, you would be pumping love energy into your physical and metaphysical body, or aura, while you are bouncing above it. (This last sentence is unsubstantiated and my opinion only)


Cleansing and Recharging.

Looking after your crystals and rebounder may be attended to with your regular room cleaning. Assuming your room is being vacuumed or swept weekly, you will need to move the crystals out of the way. This is a good opportunity to cleanse them under running water. This washes off dust and grime and also removes any negative energy attached to your crystals. After cleansing them, you may also like to sit them out in the morning sun for a couple of hours to recharge. Sitting them on the grass works best as this allows them to commune directly with the earth’s energy and to draw in energising light. Make sure to dust and vacuum your rebounder while you’re at it. You may find a lot of dust statically attached to the underside of the rebounder mat.


Moving Your Crystals and Rebounding Session Outdoors.

On a fine day, why not take things outdoors? Rebounding surrounded by nature is a great way to get your exercise. And except for a little inconvenience, there is no reason why you can’t take your crystals with you.


A Little Mentioned Benefit of a Rebounder.

Our ancestors had more natural surfaces to walk and run on. They enjoyed a softer step. Their barefoot steps were cushioned on bending grasses, on yielding sands, and the earth was firm but not as hard as a rock. Most of the surfaces they walked upon provided some degree of shock absorption. Furthermore, these surfaces not being completely flat, provided flexion for their foot and other muscles and engaged most of the rest in keeping them balanced and upright.

Today the majority of the surfaces we traverse are extremely hard and unyielding and provide little to no shock absorption. Also, we restrict a lot of our foot’s natural movement within our shoes. And with these same surfaces being very flat and smooth, we are not using nearly as much of our balancing and coordinating muscles and skills.

When we bounce and move around on our rebounder nearly all of our muscles are engaged in keeping us upright. Our landings are soft and cushioned. Our feet tend to land at different angles on the mat providing a wider exercise range.


A Final Word.

As I see it, the real joy of rebounding and crystals is that it’s fun and light, and their combination always leaves me feeling energised. No matter how I start, I always finish with a smile on my face, and an elevated ‘feel good’ feeling in my being. So rebounding is also relatively inexpensive, and available when you are. It’s do at home, an all-weather exercise that is boosted and made even more enjoyable with crystals. An ideal combination for staying fit, healthy, and happy!


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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Rebounding and crystals
rebounding and crystals
Rebounding and Crystals Bloodstone
Rebounding and Crystals
Rebounding and Crystals
Clear Quartz
Red Jasper
Red Tiger Eye
rebounding and crystals grid
rebounding and Crystals