Expanded Awareness, or My Version of Satori.


expanded awareness


I penned this article Expanded Awareness, or My Version of Satori in November 2013. The event itself took place around 1992. I rediscovered it while cleaning out some old files on our computer and felt compelled to share it with you.

At an inspirational gathering of Difference makers, we discussed the theme of “Expanded Awareness”. We broke into smaller groups to discuss this and the underlying question. “What does expanded awareness mean to you and how does expanding your awareness impact your ability to make a difference in the world”? This was a really big question as expanded awareness means many things to many people.

During the conversation, I related my story below, and my group urged me to share it with the larger meeting. When I finished, I was asked to put it in writing. This was done and I would like to share it with you.

My story about expanded awareness begins.

I was participating in a weak long retreat that was taking place in Blackbutt in country Victoria. It was themed around ‘A Journey into Your Higher Self’, and facilitated as an exercise in self-discovery and awareness.

During the first five days of this retreat, considerable time and effort was put into looking at and discussing: Who am I? Why am I here? What is life all about? What is my part in this story? As well as spending a great deal of time meditating and contemplating these questions.

On the afternoon of the fifth day, we were individually tasked with going off into the bush. We had to find a secluded spot, where we would be totally on our own, and not in sight of one another. When we found our spot, our task was to sit quietly and contemplate all of the above. We were to return in two hours, or when we knew the answer to who we were.

My journey begins.

I found my spot on a grass-covered knoll in a small clearing set amongst some thick scrub. I checked that I would not be disturbed by ants and the like. Then I sat down and made myself comfortable. Sitting there in nature, soaking up the sun’s warmth, under a wonderful blue sky, was a most enjoyable experience. I lost track of time and became fully present in the moment.

Unexpectedly I was aware of a change. I have no idea how it happened, but my consciousness had fully expanded into the moment, the full reality of NOW. I knew I was the same personality I was an instant ago, but I had expanded into who I REALLY AM! As I looked out into this new reality I noticed that all about me, everything was shimmering. Shimmering with life-force energy. The trees, the grass, the very ground itself, and the sky were unbelievable.

Expanded awareness became a reality.

I realized that I felt different, also much, much lighter, and not just physically. The weight I had been carrying mentally and psychologically had also fallen away. In the same breath, I had merged into the earth and expanded into the heavens…. What an incredible feeling…..time had also suspended….. It really is beyond my ability to describe. Now that I had this experience, I didn’t want to move, I didn’t want to upset the moment. But somewhere inside of me, a little voice was saying that it was time to return to the group.

The feeling, the experience was staying with me as I returned. I noticed a few of my fellows looking at me intently as I made my way back. I was looking at them through new eyes also. No longer did I see a distinctly different one from myself. Instead I saw another, another whole and complete being, another version, even an extension of myself. No longer did I view each of the others with judgment and evaluation of their worthiness? Instead, I looked upon them as another complete and worthwhile human being, another individuation of the oneness of life. I found it very easy to love and to like them. Their auras, now fully visible to me were incredible.

Life had changed.

Life really had changed, I must have changed, and within myself, I knew this was true. But it must have been reflected outwardly as well. Especially, as each retreat participant asked what had happened out there. And why I was now different.

Garry our facilitator, said that every now and then someone got a breakthrough into their higher self and managed to merge as one with the life force, to live for a while in expanded awareness, to experience Satori.

I managed to stay with the energy for the next two days of the retreat and gradually the hiatus wore off. But we can all get very close to living our daily lives in a state of expanded awareness. We can do this by living authentically in the moment. By suspending judgments, looking for and seeing the beauty surrounding us, and recognizing that we are all in this together.

The extra-ordinary lives in the ordinary.

Another thing I also came to understand at this time was that there are no ordinary moments. The extra-ordinary lives in the ordinary. We all spend our lives looking for the extra, that extra something. We’re trying to be, or to find Superman, or Wonder Woman, or to have that exceptional experience, always looking for something beyond. we’re busy searching for that elusive something outside of ourselves. The reality is that extra-ordinary events take place in our ordinary moments every day, especially when we expand our awareness, and allow ourselves to be here, authentic, fully present, in the now.

Thank you for allowing me to share this part of the journey with you.

Ron Windred.


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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