Crystals and Numerology for 2025.
Table of Contents
2025 — A year of Completion, Endings, Consolidation, Culmination, Reflection, Release, Refinement, and Wisdom, according to Crystals and Numerology for 2025.
2025 is a Universal 9 Year in Numerology because the sum of 2+0+2+5 = 9.
The cycle of one through nine years completes itself in this universal 9 year. 2025 will be a good time to release outdated ideas along with old pain and sorrow. It’s an excellent time to get rid of anything that no longer works, while it prepares you for new opportunities and fresh perspectives in 2026.
2024 was an 8 year, which was focused on personal expansion and financial wealth. In 2025, we can expand this further to include not just our personal welfare but that of all people. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to share the fruits and benefits of your successes with others, especially your loved ones.
It will also be a year of worldwide closure and completion. Also, a time for reflection about how we want to move forward, both individually and collectively. We have a great deal on the line. We can either advance into an era of compassion and humanity, or risk self-destruction by remaining on our current course.
2025 will undergo a kind of universal or deep cosmic cleanse that will help to bring more kindness, empathy, compassion, and understanding into the world. Old paradigms that no longer serve us or the world may be released and exchanged for new ideas and actions, based on wisdom. This can create more peace, harmony, fulfillment, and unity, on personal and societal levels alike.
In numerology, 9 is a sacred number – it’s the number of compassionate humanitarianism, letting go, forgiveness, and spiritual ascension. Furthermore, 9 invites us to take a step back from materialism and lead with our hearts.
Crystals and Numerology for 2025 – Hematite and 9 work well together.
According to numerology, every number has a unique vibration and energy, and the number 9 is associated with spiritual awareness, enlightenment, and humanitarianism.
Having established our being in a universal nine-year, I believe that Hematite will fit perfectly with this energy vibration. There are also several other 9 vibration stones you could choose from. These well-known crystals are among them:
Actinolite, Ammonite, Apatite, Aragonite, Boji (Stone), Brazilianite, Chalcedony, Chalcopyrite, Diopside, Feldspar, Fire Agate, Golden Topaz, Jadeite, Lemon Quartz, Malachite, Phenacite, Pink Opal, Pink Tourmaline, Pietersite, Ruby in Fuchsite, Tektite, Unakite, Vanadinite, Yellow Fluorite.
Hematite has a crystal vibration number of 9, and some excellent properties to carry the year.
In numerology, each letter in the alphabet has a numerical value. We refer to it to convert the name of the crystal to its numerical vibration.
85412925 added together = 36, then added together = 9.
Number 9 vibration conveys a transformative and spiritually expansive energy or frequency. It is associated with completion, spiritual growth, and humanitarianism. Plus, crystals with their unique energetic properties as well as their metaphysical qualities can align with and enhance the energy of 9.
# 9 Numeric Value or Vibration – Hematite: Stability, Protection, and Grounding with a Deep Sense of Self-esteem.
Hematite keeps us grounded and protected. It deepens our ties with the Earth and provides a sense of safety and security. It bestows vitality, courage, strength, and endurance, upon us. As a “stone of the mind” it sharpens our critical thinking abilities, stimulates attention and focus, while also improving our memory and original thought.
It maintains a sense of calm and cool and helps to remove deep-seated anxieties. Furthermore, it provides tenacity, resolve, and bravery to stand up for our rights and opinions. It also promotes focus and logical thinking and assists with the removal of bad ideas. It improves relationships by stabilizing our nervous system and conveying calmness, also dissolving negativity and preventing us from absorbing other people’s negativity.
Hematite provides us with a sense of optimism and self-confidence. It balances our Yin and Yang energies, and stimulates a stable connection between body, mind, and spirit.
Its energies confer a sense of tranquillity. However, it can also be energising, thereby promoting a balance between our creative drive and the need for calm. Moreover, it assists us in moving towards our goals and manifesting our intentions.
Hematite has an empowering energy that provides courage, strength, and endurance. It gives us a solid foundation in the face of adversity, and during the times when we waver. It helps us to trust in the divine plan.
Hematite’s powerful energy helps with improving willpower, dependability, and confidence, as well as helping with nervousness, shyness, self-esteem, and survival. It assists in the treatment of all kinds of overindulgence, as well as compulsions and addictions.
Read more about the properties of Hematite in Hematite Meaning and Benefits.
Working out the numeric value of crystals.
A chart to work out the numerical value or vibration of crystals is provided in Numerology as applied to Crystals.
2025 Crystal Grid.
Every year I like to set up a crystal grid to embrace the energy for the coming year using the chosen number nine crystal. It’s easy to do. You can set it up with your chosen crystal. Keep it in place, and it will continue working until the end of the year.
Place between four and twelve Clear Quartz points evenly spaced around in a circle. Place them with the points facing in and place a Hematite or your chosen #9 crystal in the middle. Alternatively, you can use Clear Quartz tumbled stones with a #9 crystal in the middle.
You could also place your goals list for the year under the Hematite in the middle of the circle. Or you may prefer to write your New Year’s resolutions and put them in the middle.
Crystals For 2025. Energy, Words, and Crystals For 2025.
Crystals For 2025. Energy, Words, and Crystals For 2025 is a complimentary article to this one. In it, we have chosen crystals to correspond with some of the keywords mentioned in Crystals and Numerology for 2025. These crystal correspondences may further enrich your interactions for the coming year.
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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.