Crystals – A Way of Life!



As I see it crystals seem to divide people into four camps. The crystal people; those who believe in their powers and interact with them freely. The gemstone collectors and lapidarists. Those who can only ever see an assortment of rocks. And of course, there is a small group who decry them as being of the devil. For my part, I see crystals as a way of life.

Before I go much further, as a crystal healer I should clarify the usage of the word “crystal”. Many of my fellows and I are guilty of calling all the crystals, stones, and minerals we work with “crystals”.

It’s incredible how often I will pick up a crystal and as frequently as not, be amazed at what I am holding. I also believe that so many of us do this regularly. Furthermore, I also see a thing of great beauty, with its own energy and for want of a better word, personality. For me, crystals are living entities. I also see a potential ally to help me on my life’s journey. For this reason, many of us bring these crystals into our family, just like people do with their pets. This is just a part of the story of crystals as a way of life.

So many of these crystals are multi-taskers. A crystal used for decoration also provides protection. A Rose Quartz, well known for love is also used as a gratitude rock. Typically most crystals can cover many other areas and are useful for many different purposes.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways we can live with and use these wonderful forces of nature.


Decorating With Crystals   

Decorating With Crystals is a way of life that brings colour and vibrancy into our homes and offices. Their visual impact backed up by their living energy provides a whole different perspective and so much more than the nick-nacks usually employed can. An Amethyst geode in the living room brings in a spiritual perspective along with a peaceful and harmonious feel to the room. We support our candles in bowls filled with small crystal chips or fairy crystals. Clear glass vases filled with tumbled stones make interesting features. Crystals of various shapes, sizes, and varieties fill every room of our house and office.

So many times these crystals have served as conversation starters when times seemed awkward. All of them serve another function or two besides sitting around looking beautiful. Like the large piece of Petrified Wood sitting at the base of our healing table. It’s glorious to look at, but its real purpose is to ground the client on the table. It also serves to keep the energy of the room grounded. The large Rose Quartz at the front door makes quite a statement. Its loving energy makes sure guests feel welcome, along with ensuring love energy flows freely through the house.

While we might say we are decorating with crystals, the truth is most of the time a greater purpose is being served. Take the crystal grid displayed on the office coffee table, its real purpose is to set the desired energy for the year, as revealed in Crystals and Numerology. Salt lamps provide decorating flare, add atmosphere, and provide soft lighting when moving about at night, a blessing on a dark country night. But their real purpose is to provide a constant supply of negative ions in our environment. Negative ions are beneficial for our health.


Functional Crystals Enhance Our Way of Life 

We have discussed decorating with crystals, focusing on their placement, appearance, and how they integrate into our spaces. However, we typically select and arrange them for specific purposes. For instance, Black Tourmaline and Selenite are positioned in the corners of our buildings to establish a positive energy grid and to shield against unwanted negative energies. The dining and living areas feature crystals that promote communication, love, and support for life, enhancing family dynamics while providing visual appeal. A large bowl of assorted tumbled stones adorns the dining and coffee tables, including Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Tiger Eye, Citrine, and many others. These rooms and the office also have bowls of Fairy crystals for us to twiddle in.

Large pieces of Clear Quartz, for energy enhancement, Rose Quartz for loving energy, Amethyst for peace and tranquility, and Citrine for joyful expression are also placed throughout the home and office. A Citrine geode is located in the wealth corner to help ensure our supply. Selenite lamps add lighting along with their spiritual illumination.

Actually, most of the polished pieces, balls, eggs, and pyramids around the place have a specific function beyond decorating. Like the Tiger Eye egg in my office, to enhance focus and concentration. The Clear Quartz ball in the lounge is to help us feel calm, happy, and energised. While the one in the healing room acts as a conduit for spiritual energy, and connection with higher consciousness. The Shungite pyramid in front of the TV is for EMF protection and also grounding. The same goes for the Lepidolite plates near our devices. An Amethyst geode and a Celestite polished egg sit in my meditation area for their calming and spiritually enriching energy.


Help From Personal Assistant Crystals – A Way of Life

Whenever I need a boost in creativity and/or inspiration I turn to my crystals: Citrine for the light of inspiration, Amethyst as a visionary’s stone, Carnelian as my creative powerhouse, and Sodalite for insight. These are evident throughout the office and particularly near my desk.

I have a pouch or corded bag of small tumbled crystals, worn around my neck, that escorts me everywhere I go. It provides protection and shields me from EMF and negative energies. It also has stones to help keep me spiritually connected, in the flow of prosperity, gratitude, and in the energy of love. In my bag or medicine pouch, I have Moldavite, Turquoise, Citrine, Shungite, Smokey Quartz, Rhodochrosite, and Tiger Eye. You of course will have your selection to fit your priorities should you choose to have a medicine bag.

Never let me forget my Gratitude Rock. A Rose Quartz polished oval-shaped stone engraved with the word Gratitude. Its role is to help me appreciate and love life and stay in the energy of gratitude. And my Hematite, whose role is to keep me grounded and free from arthritic pain. Both of these hang around in my pants pockets most days. Whenever I am baffled or require guidance, I turn to one of several Clear Quartz points strategically located throughout the premises.

My pendulum supplies invaluable assistance by helping me to divine the truth. It’s always dependable when my questions are clearly stated and only require a yes or no answer.

There are almost unlimited ways that crystals can assist us in living better lives. My examples are intended to inspire you to find ways to live your own way of life with crystals.


Crystals - A Way of Life
Keeping Healthy With Healing Crystals – A Way of Life

With the help of healing crystals, we can maintain a healthy and vital lifestyle. Especially when backed up with good nutrition, proper exercise, sufficient sleep, and maintaining a positive outlook. There are far too many ways crystals can help us with healing to go into them in an article like this. However, many healing articles are available here on our website, or a search will reveal much information.

A great pleasure for us as healers and working with crystals as a way of life is seeing clients get up from our table feeling healthy, happy, and terrific. Much of our own health maintenance program involves regular balances of our energy centres or chakras and energy channels or meridians. Also meditating with crystals. Both of us have a largish Clear Quartz point that not only centres our meditation but keeps us charged up and in great spirits. Added to this are the healing energies emanating from all the crystals we have displayed around the place, along with our working crystals that are generally out of view.

We have found that a healthy way of life is so easy with the help of healing crystals. They are the perfect allies for keeping your energy body – chakras, meridians, aura – in good shape. When your energy body (systems) are in good shape so are your body, mind, and spirit.

As previously mentioned, nutrition or healthy food is a key component of good health and crystals can play an invaluable role here too. To help keep our food fresh and vital several Blue Calcites and Clear Quartz live in our pantry. Aventurine sits on the window sill to support good health. Carnelian near the stove inspires culinary delight. Rose Quartz at the servery fosters a sense of nourishment, love, and connection with family and friends.


Crystals – A Way of Life that Even Extends to Our Car

Clear Quartz points in our car’s glove box and console to help it perform better and keep it safe. Another small Clear Quartz point attached to the fuel line is there to improve fuel consumption and efficiency. While the decrease in fuel consumption is only marginal – every little bit helps. For my part, I am sure our old ride-on mower is still going strong because of the crystal attached to it.


Living With The Energy Of Crystals is A Way of Life We Can Thoroughly Enjoy!

Living with the energy of crystals is a way of life that we can thoroughly enjoy!

Incorporating crystals throughout your home can help create a welcoming and harmonious environment for your family, friends, and clients if you work from home. Furthermore, these crystals build a shield that provides a sanctuary and safe haven for yourself and your family. As a way of life, crystals bring a sense of sacredness into your life and encourage living in the moment. Also, having my crystals around me allows me to maintain proper emotional control.

Emotional Scale
Should I be experiencing one of the negative emotions, crystals can help me to express it safely, and then lift me above the middle line into a more positive response. Moreover, their energies interact with me in a way that usually keeps me positive and in full engagement and enjoyment of life.

Jewellery adds another level of experience with crystals as a way of life. What better way to dress up, express your personality, and enjoy the many benefits of crystals than by wearing them? For me, not being so flamboyant, I prefer carrying them in my pockets and my medicine bag.

My conclusion is that crystals are the best allies a person can have to experience a full and happy life. Living with crystals – what a way of life!


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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