Crystal Story – Short stories of people’s experiences with crystals.




Over the years, we have heard many a crystal story – so many that we can’t remember them all. However, we can retell some of those we do remember.

The beauty of sharing these narratives is that they help to support other people’s experiences and beliefs. Maybe even your own. They can also give us ideas for using our own crystals.

These are just some of the tall tales, but I believe to be true narratives we have come by. Mostly, I can’t remember the names of the people who shared their stories with me. Those I can, may not want me to reveal their names, so each of these will remain an anonymous story. To make things easy, I have given each crystal story a title.


Crystal Story: Lost and found.

Rose Quartz
Imagine, somewhere in your house, you have 5 $100 notes bundled together with an elastic band, yet inexplicably, you cannot remember where they are. You have searched high and low, inside and out. Now, you have given up any hope of finding them. Months later, your favourite Rose Quartz tumbled stone has disappeared from under the pillow where you keep it. So, you go looking for it. As our storyteller says. “Explain this, I found it at the back of my wardrobe, behind some old shoes, and there with it was my $500.00”.



Crystal Story: The Miraculous Protection Stone.

Just one week before this story unfolded, the man’s wife gave him a Quartz crystal to keep him and his new car safe.

Clear Quartz
Stuck in banked-up traffic and moving slowly because of roadworks ahead. He suddenly found his senses were alert, and a feeling of dread overcame him. A glance in his rearview mirror revealed a truck coming down along the line of cars. Before he knew what was happening, the truck sideswiped the vehicle a couple back. Next, the one behind him, now stunned and unable to respond, he knew he was next. Inexplicably, he felt something like compressed air moved him a centimetre or so to the left. In slow-mo, he saw his rearview mirror get snapped off and then saw the car in front get heavily gouged. As was the one in front of that one.

He said if you told him the same story, he wouldn’t believe you. But he swears the only explanation for what happened is the protective crystal his wife gave him that he put in his console. Somehow, it kept him and the car out of harm’s way. He now treasures his miraculous protection crystal!


Crystal Story: The Mailman and the Toothless Woman.

The story goes that every time he delivered mail to this address, somehow the owner knew when he was coming. He didn’t like going there. She would be there to collect her mail along with her aggressive dog. He never put mail in the box, instead hesitantly handing it over to her on her demand while he kept an eye on the dog. Usually, she snatched it from his hand. Moreover, she was about as friendly as her dog and never smiled, even if it would have been a toothless smile.

He had a few dollars to spare, had heard about crystals, and figured, what the heck. He purchased a Clear Quartz, a Rose Quartz, and an Amethyst and, with his first opportunity, put them in her letterbox. Further, he figured she never went to the letterbox, so the crystals should be safe there for some time.

A few months later, he noticed she was no longer aggressive. After a few more visits, her dog was quieter as well. Then, on yet another day, she smiled, albeit with a toothless smile. He found her toothlessness unnerving due to a personal event in his life.

He wanted to make sure I understood that he still found it hard to believe some crystals in a letterbox could make such a difference. However, her attitude no longer annoys him, and he enjoys going down that street and delivering her mail.


Crystal Story: A Horsey Crystal Story.

She told me she was driving to an equestrian event. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a car directly in front of her. Instinctively, she swerved to the left. Next thing she knew, her vehicle was on its side and sliding. Immediately, she thought of her horse in the float being towed behind her. Unfortunately, it too was on its side and following immediately behind her. When they ground to a halt, she instantly started scrambling to get out and to her horse.

Almost immediately, people stopped and were now lending a hand to free her and the horse. A group of men, along with the help of a four-wheel drive, were righting the float. Talk about good luck; one of them was also a vet. He was able to check the horse out and also sedate it to keep it calm. It had extensive bruising to its left shoulder, and he wasn’t sure if it was concussed.

Emergency services arrived and checked her out. Miraculously, like her horse, she only received a few cuts and bruises and was shaken about. And most importantly, she was sure she hadn’t lost consciousness. Although the ambulance officers implored her to go with them, she declined, choosing to travel with her horse.

Soon, her vehicle was on a tray top, and after some panel beating to free the guard, the float and horse were hitched up behind. She was most annoyed she couldn’t travel in the float and had to sit up front with the driver.

Crystals to Soothe the Beast.

Three months later, she visited the markets with a friend who stopped at our stall. While her friend was shopping, she got curious and asked if we thought crystals could help her horse. She told us the story of the accident and also about her problem. Since the accident, she hasn’t been able to compete with her favourite horse. Not because of any physical injury, as the bruising was now well healed. Rather, she can’t compete because her horse has to be heavily sedated just to get him into a float or even into a stall or stable. He has developed a real phobia of enclosed spaces!

Crystal Story
Several crystals started to come to mind that may help. As we were talking about them, she said she would have half a dozen of each and any others I thought of. Furthermore, she explained that she had no real belief in crystals, but her friend did, so that was good enough for her.

She also explained how the cost of the crystals was of little concern, compared to having a chance of getting back to eventing with her favourite horse and friend. She also said if you’re a horsey person, you would get the friend bit. Well, I am a horsey person, so I also cut her a deal.

When she got home, she sewed some old lightweight horse rug material into tubes and secured crystals within and along their length. Then these were sewn along the top middle line of the summer and winter rugs and their bottom hemlines. Crystals were also bundled into netting and hooked up inside the front of the float and the stall.

Today, they are back to competing, with a bonus. Her horse has more stamina and is steadier than before the accident.

The Crystals and a Brief Reason For Their Selection.

Rose Quartz – love, acceptance, enhancing self-trust and self-worth, emotional balance, harmony, and healing.

Amethyst – alleviates stress and anxiety, dispels anger and tension, and supports the endocrine and immune systems.

Clear Quartz – creates order from chaos, enhances energy flow throughout the body, promotes healing, and conveys balance and harmony to the emotions.

Selenite – calms and stabilises erratic emotions, clears away confusion, clears negativity, and promotes peace within.

Chrysocolla – alleviates phobias and tension, provides inner strength and stability, and releases any distress.

Black Tourmaline – prevents panic attacks, especially those brought on by confined places.

Malachite – overcoming anxiety, particularly travel stress, or worries about leaving familiar surroundings.

Charoite – turns negativity into positivity, fragility to strength, sickness to health, and eases deep-seated irrational fears.

Citrine – radiates positivity, happiness, success, joy, vitality, and optimism.

Post Script to The Horsey Crystal Story.

The last time we saw her, the woman also had crystals worked into and decorating her horse tack. She said she did this so she and her horse would nearly always have them present. After a while, she realised the crystals had a positive impact on her as well, so she had some crystal jewellery and bracelets made for her own use.


Crystal Story: Calming a Restless Baby.

A young mum tells us she is close to tearing her hair out because her baby cries a lot and has difficulty sleeping. She informs us she has tried everything to calm her baby. She also looks and sounds like she needs sleep and calming down from her anxious state. Is there a crystal that can help? she asks.

Several crystals could help, but I kept it simple and only told her about two. Blue Calcite and Mangano (pink) Calcite.

Blue Calcite is an extremely nurturing and soothing stone. It has a gentle energy that makes any room a peaceful and harmonious place. Its energy also tends to soothe crying babies. Furthermore, as babies are prone to restlessness, it helps to keep them calm. It will also channel positive energies into your baby and cause those things that cause restlessness and distress to fade away.

Mangano Calcite has a ‘Mother’ energy that is kind, gentle, protective, and reassuring. Its presence allows feelings of love, peace, calm, and quiet to prevail and provides reassurance when Mum isn’t present. Generally, it helps to soothe heartache, trauma, grief, and unprocessed emotions. Its gentle energy helps soothe restless thoughts, supporting restful sleep and dream healing.

She purchased two sets of stones and small bags to keep them in. One set was sewn into the middle of her baby’s pillow for safety. The other set is under her pillow as she was also having bad dreams and not sleeping well, apart from her baby crying and keeping her awake.

When we saw her a few weeks later, she looked healthy and relaxed, as her baby slept quietly nestled in her arms. 


Crystal Story: Lucky Charms.

We heard this story on a visit to one of our wholesalers in Sydney.

In the blink of an eye, everything changed. They were happily driving along when suddenly, the traffic stopped. They both hit the brakes, one actually got the pedal, the other the floor. Both braced themselves, ready for the impact as their car screeched toward the van in front. Somehow, miraculously, their tyres gained more grip, and they pulled up with barely a centimetre to spare. The car following behind them stopped about a car length from them. What a relief! Then, their fear returned as they heard the car behind them get smacked and shunted forward. They felt it hit, but it was much, much softer than they expected. When they got out to inspect the damage, they were amazed to see the cars bumper to bumper, but they couldn’t see any damage. 

After the police, ambulance, and tow trucks had left, they were free to drive off and continue their journey. They still couldn’t believe it; they had only experienced minor scraping on their bumper. And with a little bit more luck, this would probably be polished off. 

Whenever this couple retells their story, they are adamant that the only reason they were so lucky was because of the crystals they had bought that morning at their crystal wholesalers. They’re convinced the crystals are their lucky charms!

Who says crystals aren’t lucky charms?


Crystal Story: The Best Man’s Speech.

I’ve never seen somebody so nervous; he really had the jitters. Poor guy! He’s excited because his mate wants him to be the best man at his wedding, that is coming up soon. Having said yes, it hits him, he will have to give a speech in front of about eighty guests.

Smokey Quartz
He explained to me that any time he speaks to more than a couple of people, he gets very nervous and tongue-tied. Even his girlfriend, who was with him, piped up that he needed to stop being such a nervous nelly. He doesn’t want to let his mate down, so he wants to know if we have a magic crystal to get him through the wedding day. I showed him about a dozen crystals and asked him to pick his three favourites. He chose Lapis Lazuli, Smokey Quartz, and Blue Kyanite. I explained that all three crystals would help him express himself clearly, confidently, and in an entertaining and friendly manner.

Somehow, I felt that these crystals wouldn’t be enough to get him over the line without some extra help. So, I emphasised that the more he engaged with them and believed in them, the better the results would be.

According to his girlfriend, something magical happened on the night. When he stood up, he was calm and confident and decided to speak off the cuff. According to her, and also to her surprise, he kept them enthralled. His speech was not too short and not too long. It was full of humour and rhetoric. A couple of his anecdotes about the groom and bride had everyone in stitches. She still can’t believe it and wonders if we cast a spell over him. We didn’t, but without a doubt, he had some crystal magic to help him out.


Crystal Story: Coincidence or Not?

‘People won’t believe it, but I tell you it’s true’, is how he started. I’ll continue with a condensed version of his story. His old chainsaw wouldn’t go. Mower and small engine mechanics couldn’t find any reason for the problem. It would start, sometimes; run flatout when it did, but never run in a way that you could use it. No one could figure it out.

He was ferreting around in his shed when he came upon the old sugar tin full of Quartz crystals he inherited from his granddad. He also remembered lots of stories he’d heard about crystals and thought he’d give something a go. Like his Grandad said, “In for a penny, in for a pound” and “If you’ve got nothing to loose, by all means try”.

So, he took one of the crystals and glued it to the chainsaw casing. Emptied the rest on the floor and then sat the chainsaw in the middle of the crystals. He also made a new batch of two-stroke fuel and set that on the crystals with the chainsaw. He left the shed and came back about a week later.

Not really expecting anything to be different, he picked up the chainsaw, fueled it up, and set the choke and throttle. He gave a good sharp pull of the starter cord. Then a second and a third time. It started and roared to life. (Well, that’s what it did at times in the past, too.) His finger eased the throttle, and the engine followed and continued to respond appropriately. He couldn’t believe it! Wow!

He is still using his chainsaw. Most people say it’s just a coincidence with the Quartz crystals and it working. I’ll admit, it does stretch credulity, but why couldn’t it be so?


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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