Colour Correspondences Between Colour, Crystals, Healing, & You
Colour Correspondences Between Colour, Crystals, Healing, & You. Colour Correspondences Typically, colour correspondences are as follows: Red: action, courage, energy, health, passion, sexual love and lust Pink: friendship, nurturing, sweet love,...
The Quartz Family | Quartz Crystals Make Great Healing Crystals
The Quartz Family of Crystals Make Great Healing Crystals. The Quartz Family Crystals – Tops for Healing: The best of the best of healing crystals, well that’s a hard question, but if I had to answer I would go with the Quartz Family of...
Azurite Malachite Meaning and Benefits and Healing Properties.
Azurite Malachite Meaning and Benefits. ~ Properties ~ Azurite Malachite Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~ Azurite Malachite Meaning – General Information and History. Azurite Malachite is a superb crystal that combines two powerful stones to assist...
Customer Crystal Story. 7 Stories about People and Crystals.
Customer Crystal Story. 7 Stories about People and Crystals. When it comes to crystals, I find that people generally fall into one of three distinct camps. First, we have the believers. Then those who adamantly don’t believe in them. And the third are those who...
Your Relationship With Money. Money Crystals.
Your Relationship With Money. What's your relationship with money? It's true that your relationship with money will determine how much you will have. Conversely, it will also determine how little you may have to use and enjoy. I hope you're not like the young...
The Crystal Story: Crystals Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
The Crystal Story: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow The Crystal Story of Yesteryear. This story started in antiquity, lives today and no doubt will continue long into the future. The Crystal Story is as old as the world itself and has many versions...
Crystals For Winter Wellbeing | Overcoming The Winter Blues
Crystals For Winter Wellbeing | Overcoming The Winter Blues Eight crystals for winter wellbeing that will also help you boost your mood, and enhance your energy. These same crystals will also help you overcome the Winter blues and assist with feeling more positive…...
Crystals for Back Pain Relief, Used Alone and with a Back Stretcher
Crystals for Back Pain Relief, Used Alone and with a Back Stretcher. If you have back pain, you know it, and if you don't you know that too! So, I don't think I need to explain it. I have put up with back pain, especially lower back pain for most of my life....
Random Acts of Kindness. Crystal Kindness as a Way of Being.
Random Acts of Kindness. Random Acts of Kindness Week comes around annually and February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. It is a day to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness. But imagine how much kinder the world would be if we did this every...
Astrophyllite Meaning and Benefits and Healing Properties.
Astrophyllite Meaning and Benefits. ~ Properties ~ Astrophyllite Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~ Astrophyllite Meaning – General Information and History. Astrophyllite is a unique and very rare form of titanium silicate. It has a Mohs hardness of 3–4, a...
Verdite Meaning and Benefits and Healing Properties.
Verdite Meaning and Benefits. ~ Properties ~ Verdite Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~ Verdite Meaning – General Information and History. Verdite comes from the Latin word viridis, which means "green". It is a rock rather than a mineral, so its composition...
Valentine’s Day Crystals. 7 Crystals for Love-Filled Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day Crystals. 7 Crystals for a Love-Filled Valentine's Day Every year Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14. This gives you plenty of time to buy a Valentine's Day gift that can help support and nurture your love life. So, what could...