Apatite Meaning and Benefits.


~ Properties ~ Apatite Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~


Apatite Meaning – General Information.

Apatite is a relatively new find in the crystal world so it doesn’t have any ‘old world’ history to report. It got its name in 1788 from the Greek apatao meaning ‘to deceive’ or ‘to be misleading’. And so named, because it was often confused with other crystals, especially Fluorite and Aquamarine.

Apatite is a natural, variously coloured calcium fluoride phosphate, found in transparent, translucent, and opaque forms and in various colours – yellow, green, grey, blue, white, purple, brown and violet. It belongs to the hexagonal crystal system occurring in individual crystals and in masses. It is the defining crystal or mineral for hardness factor 5 on the Mohs scale.

Apatite is one of a few minerals used by biological micro-environmental systems. Apatite is also a valuable source of phosphorous in the manufacture of fertilizer. Green and blue varieties make brilliant pigments, as well as provide excellent covering power. It is a major component of bone and tooth enamel in animals and humans.

Apatite is infrequently cut into jewellery; however, when cut correctly it produces bright, strong colours. Chatoyant specimens are cut into cabochons and beads while transparent stones are typically faceted.


Apatite Meaning – Metaphysical Benefits.

Apatite is known as an inspirational stone. It is an interface between consciousness and matter. It is also a Stone of Manifestation, encouraging service and inclining toward humanitarian pursuits.

Apatite boosts your personal power, motivation, growth and also your ability to achieve goals. It enhances your insight, imagination and learning abilities to give you increased self-confidence. Clears away confusion, indifference and negativity, while reducing irritability and awakening your inner self. It stimulates the intellect as well as expands your understanding, knowledge and truth; making it available for personal growth or for the collective good.

The sustained use of Apatite can generate a spiritual state of unconditional love. It brings about a willingness to let go of some of the more futile aspects of life, eliminating negativity relating to people and objects.

Apatite though attuned to the future, nonetheless connects to past lives.  It encourages development of psychic gifts and promotes spiritual attunement; it deepens meditation and assists communication and self-expression on all levels. Apatite raises the Kundalini and harmonises the chakras. It also balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

It is a supportive and helpful stone for hyperactive and autistic children.


Apatite Meaning – Healing.

Apatite assists with the absorption of calcium; helping cartilage, bones and teeth. Heals bones and encourages the formation of new cells. Improves arthritis, joint problems and rickets and assists with motor skills. Apatite encourages healthy eating, while helping to suppress hunger and raise the metabolic rate. It also heals the glands, organs and meridians, and overcomes hypertension.


Specific Colours

In addition to the generic attributes of Apatite, these specific colours have additional properties:

Blue Apatite.

Blue Apatite is a deeply spiritual stone that connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance. It has a cleansing influence on the aura and opens the throat chakra. It facilitates public speaking and enhances communication in groups. Blue Apatite heals the heart and emotional dis-ease.

Green Apatite.

Green Apatite connects the emotion of the heart with the wisdom of the mind, balancing one to the other. It has an uplifting energy that dispels apathy, negativity, and confusion, helping us to align with higher knowledge and truth. It allows us to gain a higher perspective on situations as well as find creative solutions to problems.

Yellow Apatite.

Yellow Apatite activates the solar plexus chakra and is an excellent eliminator of toxins and for drawing off stagnant energy. It treats depression and lethargy and can overcome a lack of concentration and inefficient learning. On an emotional level, it neutralises stored anger. It improves poor digestion, helps to remove cellulite, and treats the gallbladder, liver, pancreas and spleen.


Tips for using Apatite.

  • Carrying Blue Apatite encourages motivation, as well as promoting independence and ambition.
  • Keep some at your desk to improve concentration and also memory skills.
  • A Blue Apatite in your pocket helps while you are performing or public speaking.
  • Blue Apatite is particularly considerate to business consultants, and investment managers
  • Sleeping with Blue Apatite assists with creative problem-solving.
  • Wear, hold or drink Apatite as an elixir, to help suppress hunger.
  • It also helps alleviate the fear associated with dental treatment.


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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