Walking on Crystals. The Healing Benefits of Walking on Stones.


walking on crystals


I was recently asked if I knew about some crystals to help with walking and unfortunately, I drew a blank. But while trying to find an answer, I wondered what it would be like walking on crystals. Imagine a long pathway made of your favourite crystals. What would it be like walking barefoot on a bed of healing crystals? With every step, you could experience healing energy entering the soles of your feet, and then travelling throughout your body to wherever it was needed. Wow, wouldn’t that be something?

Most of us might find some difficulty in financing such a project, especially on a large scale. However, sand is a very inexpensive alternative if you like Quartz mixed with Feldspar, Mica, Apophyllite, and a variety of small shell particles. This is probably why so many of us enjoy walking on crystals/sand as much as we do. A walk along the beach is a soothing and relaxing experience that is also extremely good for our health.

I find it interesting that I heard from another friend just as I decided to write about walking on crystals. A recent experience inspired my friend Robert. He had been walking over many stone paths attempting to find the perfect medium for the new paths he wanted to build at his new property. He asked me to imagine walking on crystals. What he wanted was a combination of stones that would be visually appealing and provide healing for those who trod over them. He wanted polished stones of various types to cover a range of healing frequencies, energies, and properties. I pointed out to him that he would be better off talking with a landscape supplier, rather than a crystal supplier.


Walking on stones
Some Health Benefits of Walking on Crystals or Stones.

Firstly, I would say it is common sense that you would need to walk barefoot to get the benefits. Also, you would want smooth rounded stones for your walking comfort. Apart from any obvious exercise benefits of walking, the uneven terrain is a boon to your fitness and your feet will get an even better workout. Just walking barefoot, gives your feet a more comprehensive workout than when you’re wearing shoes. Some claim our feet become less healthy, the more we wear shoes. Walking barefoot on sand or smooth stones, allows your feet to use all of the muscles involved in a natural human stride. And naturally, regular walking for extended periods will probably be necessary to get the benefits.

Walking on crystals or stones may help to lower your blood pressure. Many claim a significant improvement in their overall mental and physical fitness from interacting with these natural elements. Walking over these surfaces stimulates reflexology and acupressure points and also balances your body’s energetic flow. Not surprisingly, many people improved their balance by walking on uneven surfaces and gently crumbling soft sand.


The Grounding Effect of Walking on Crystals and Stones.

Another benefit is grounding yourself or earthing as it is scientifically referred to. Earthing means standing or walking barefoot on sand, stones, or even concrete, leaves, and grass, literally making contact with the Earth’s surface and tapping its vast and free supply of electrons. The Earth’s naturally occurring electric charge positively affects your body and its systems; supplying physiological stability. This action can also increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, pain, stress, and sleep problems, and improve overall wellness. How magical is it to wander barefoot on crystals? Besides being a wonderful grounding experience, it also inspires lightness, fun, and a sense of freedom.


Creating Surfaces For Walking On Crystals. 

Earlier in this article I suggested a landscape supplier might be the place to source the required materials. Then it is simply a matter of building some pathways or areas to walk on. Years ago we covered our long driveway with tumbled river stones because we didn’t want so much bare concrete on show. Today it still looks good and it also provides a perfect place to walk.

At the landscape supplier, you can pick up various suitable stones. Among them are; Agates, Quartzs, Lava Stones, Petrified Woods, and mixed varieties. And of course sands. So, if you have the room, time, and energy, you could create some suitable and very appealing walk zones around your home.


walking on crystals
Walking on Crystals When You Have Limited Space.

If you live in an apartment, rent, or for whatever reason you can’t build your personal walkways, there is a solution. One friend bought a roll-out mat with Quartz pebbles glued onto it. It is only three metres long, but he can walk up and down it in his living room. You could build a sandbox and walk on the spot in it. Alternatively, you could fill it with a variety of smaller tumbled stones and walk in place.

A visit to the beach or river is an excellent solution, even when you have somewhere at home to walk. With a little searching, both locations also offer smooth stoney areas where you can walk.



A final word.

Walking barefoot on crystals and stones is a most beneficial exercise and a well-worth undertaking at every opportunity. My common sense caution is to start out easy and work your way up to what you feel is your optimal level. And remember, this exercise is not a case of no pain – no gain, rather our approach should be pain – it’s time to stop the game.


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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