Lapis Lazuli Meaning and Benefits.



~ Properties ~ Lapis Lazuli Meaning ~ Benefits ~ Healing ~

Lapis Lazuli Meaning – General Information.

Lapis Lazuli is considered by most to be an individual crystal or gemstone. However, technically speaking it is a composite of minerals in rock formation. It is mainly composed of lazurite (25% to 40%), a feldspathoid silicate and various other minerals including, aluminium, augite, calcium, diopside, enstatite, hauynite, hornblende, mica, noseun, silicon, sodium and sulphur. The small pieces of Pyrite embedded within this marble-like stone are the cause of its characteristic flash of gold.

Lapis Lazuli usually occurs in crystalline marble as a result of contact metamorphism. Primarily appearing in shades of blue, but also found in slightly greenish shades. Intense azure blue stones with lots of Pyrite flecks and without white veins (Calcite) are the most sought-after specimens. It derives its name from ancient Persian. At between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale, this stone is among the less hard gemstones.

Lapis has a long history dating back 6500 years ago when mines in Afghanistan supplied ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Mining for high-quality stones still continues at these locations today. The very earliest cultures valued it more highly than gold.


Lapis Lazuli Meaning – History.

In ancient Egypt, it was a favourite stone for amulets and ornaments such as scarabs. Moreover, the Egyptians buried their dead with Lapis Lazuli jewellery and other adornments to provide them with protection in the afterlife. Carvings made with this gemstone mostly in the shape of an eye and decorated in pure gold are typical of those found in the tombs of the Pharaohs.

Ancient Egyptian women, including Cleopatra, wore powdered Lapis Lazuli as eye shadow. This is not considered appropriate or safe today due to the high aluminium content of this stone.

Kings of old wore Lapis on their breastplates for protection in battle. Also, to keep them connected to the divine power of the Gods so that they could rule their citizens properly and fairly. Over 6000 items made of Lapis were found in the tombs of the ancient Sumerian Kings including various carvings and dishes among other items.

From very early times some cultures have believed that to possess a Lapis Lazuli gemstone is to possess the favour and blessings of the gods. Early Egyptians used it as a symbol of Truth.

Historically it was ground and processed to make the pigment ultramarine for tempera paint. Its usage as a pigment declined in the early 19th century when a synthetic variety became available. Medieval artists used it as the pigment in the paint for the blue cloak of the Virgin Mary.

An old folktale says that if you dream of Lapis, the person you love will be true to you forever, never straying and never breaking your heart.


Lapis Lazuli Meaning – Metaphysical Benefits.

Belief has it that a stone suspended on the forehead over the third eye can help develop and strengthen your psychic abilities. However, take care, as it is quite a powerful stone! Lapis Lazuli is a potent stone for those who seek spiritual development, as well as those pursuing an understanding of their life’s purpose. It is also a protective stone that contacts guardian spirits. Lapis Lazuli is also a stone of friendship and truth. It encourages harmony in relationships and helps you to be authentic and give your opinion openly.

Lapis Lazuli stimulates the consciousness toward the awakening of the perfection of the self and enhances creative self-expression. It may also increase mental clarity, virility, and calm, and to focus energy for teachers, lecturers and speakers. Furthermore, it brings the enduring qualities of compassion, uprightness and honesty to your personality.

It is also useful in relieving depression and promoting emotional healing and spirituality. Lapis can connect you to the knowing that you are part of ‘All that is.’ Lapis Lazuli is also powerful aid during meditation.

The stone works as a shield from psychic attacks. It will help in wiping out any part of the past, in this life or others that you are still carrying but should let go of. It eliminates negative emotions.



Lapis Lazuli Meaning – Healing. 

Lapis Lazuli is useful for alleviating insomnia and letting go of anxieties. It is a cure for melancholy and for certain types of fever. It helps balance the function of the thyroid gland while strengthening the neck and vocal cords. Soothes sore throats and relieves inflammation of the neck and head. Lapis is also helpful for respiratory, nervous and immune systems, sinus ailments, cancer, migraine headaches, speech problems, pituitary gland, pain relief and lowering blood pressure.


Tips for Using Lapis Lazuli.

    • Placing Lapis Lazuli at your workplace can help you organize your daily life.
    • Keeping Lapis Lazuli nearby will also help to organize and quieten a busy or restless mind.
    • Wearing or carrying Lapis Lazuli can help you overcome shyness.
    • Facilitate your recovery from surgery by having some Lapis Lazuli on or near you.
    • You can achieve much deeper and clearer meditation by holding a piece of Lapis.
    • Sleeping with Lapis Lazuli will increase prophetic dreams as well as your dream recall.
    • Placing Lapis under your pillow can also provide answers to problems and doubts regarding the future.
    • Carrying Lapis Lazuli allows you to see the best in others, as well as the beauty in life.
    • Wear Lapis to bring inner peace and gain freedom from negative thoughts.
    • Wear Lapis Lazuli for all types of deep communication.
    • Have Lapis in your pocket to maintain harmony and friendship in your relationships.

Lapis Lazuli for sale in-store

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First presented in the September 2011 Newsletter, and edited Jan ’23 for inclusion here.

© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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