Chrysocolla – Buy Crystals Online – Healing Crystals



Chrysocolla is a tranquil and sustaining stone. It purifies the home and the environment. Chrysocolla promotes personal inner harmony and imparts a beneficial energy to relationships. It is conducive to stabilising the home environment.



Keywords: Peace, Tranquillity, Serenity, Feminine Empowerment, Intuition, Patience, Unconditional Love, Inner-Strength, Self-Awareness, Psychic Vision, Harmony, Wisdom.

Chrysocolla builds an energy bridge between the Earth and the Sky; the physical and the spiritual planes. This stone offers gentle and soothing qualities; usually, associated with peace, tranquillity, intuition, patience, and unconditional love. Chrysocolla provides potent life-force energy which also builds exceptional inner strength. It also encourages self-awareness and a balanced nature, advances communication, and opens psychic vision.

It is a stone of feminine empowerment, helping to establish feminine energies and calm the emotions. An excellent stone for women, Chrysocolla supports specific female issues mainly related to hormones and reproduction, treats PMS and menstrual cramps. A crystal of the Goddess, it is helpful in dealing with pain and anger associated with rape or abuse of any kind, while allowing for inner forgiveness and release of resentment.

Chrysocolla can relieve the mental and emotional anguish of troubled relationships. By relieving tension and bringing out inner strengths it can also restore personal balance and harmony. And to increase wisdom and discretion. It encourages level-headedness, promoting clarity of thought and a neutral and composed attitude of mind during turmoil, as well as purifying the home and environment.

Known to decrease nervousness and irritability, it draws out all types of negative energies; thereby allowing you to accept situations with serenity; while clearing the subconscious of guilt, fear, and tension.

Chrysocolla treats arthritis, bone disease, blood disorders, lung troubles, and ulcers.  Detoxifies the liver, kidneys, and intestines.  Rejuvenates the pancreas, regulates insulin, and re-oxygenates the blood.  Strengthens muscles and also relieves muscle cramps and spasms.  Chrysocolla lowers blood pressure, heals infections, and soothes burns. It rectifies thyroid and metabolism imbalances and can also help to regulate stress-related digestive problems. It is most effective when in constant contact with the skin.

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© Ron and Sue Windred.

Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.
My Crystalaura provides quality healing crystals and associated metaphysical products at affordable prices. They are tools of healing, inspiration and hope. Your personal intention to change or improve yourself empowers them. We sell and advertise our products in good faith, but results and outcomes do vary and cannot be guaranteed. We accept no responsibility or liability for the effectiveness of these products.

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